Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'am currently doing a project on the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It tells a story about how Rose Parks, Muther Luther King Jr, E.D Nixon and extra.. How they had fought for their rights on the bus as equals. How they no longer paided their money to be treated wrong. Every body had joined their segregation even children. Well thats a little something something about my project so far. (Now its time to start my recipe so i can start cooking cause boy im getting hungry for more).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What it mean to be an American?

  What i think it means to be an american. I think it mean that you have to be from america to be an american. What i mean by that is you have to be born in america, i guess, but you don't neccessarly have to be raised in america to be american. Being an american is knowning where you came from,(your ancestors). what they were like, and what they did in life.

 Things like what they did and why they did it. How they did it and what were their reasons for doing so. the cause of their problem. What they did to solve the situation.

 To be an american is to known who found it. what they were doin in this progress. To know what was going on
